Day 30
Spent the night at another nice little RV campground, but woke up very early (3AM) to beat the heat. That seemed to do the trick. It's even more humid in MO, but we're so close to being home.
We got to our final campsite, another KOA in Casey IL, a few hours before check-in. I guess they took pity on us, or at least saw the forecast, and let us check in early and get the AC running. Rainey has been a pro these past few days, taking care of the van and driving all this way. I'm a lucky guy.
After taking a nap in the KOA for most of the afternoon, we decided to just push on through to Dayton. It's actually pretty nice driving at night. Without the greenhouse effect from the sun our AC can actually be felt (it's stuck on defrost so the air doesn't hit you directly).
It was raining pretty heavily by the time we got to Dayton, but it was so nice to be home and to sleep in a proper bed again! This was a great trip, but we're both happy to be back.