Day 24
On to Gypsum, CO. Rainey and I visited our friends Steph and Chris here last summer, so it was strange to drive through Glenwood Springs and see familiar sights so far away from home. We ate lunch at a NY style deli we visited last time called pickled.
and it was as good as we remembered!
Steph and Chris live at a campground that offers long-term rates, but the short term rates leave something to be desired. There were about a million convenience fees! The campground is nice though. Free WiFi and showers.
We all wanted to get sushi for dinner but the best place for sushi was closed on Mondays. I guess there's good fishing in the area so the mountain sushi is surprisingly fresh. Can't wait to try it tomorrow!
Instead we went to a small gastropub a couple towns over. The food was pretty good and Junie did really well around all the new people. Usually she gets overwhelmed and wants to meet everyone so bad that she starts shrieking. Maybe this trip is calming her down a little bit.
Walking back to the car we saw a large tree branch break off of a younger looking tree and fall on a car. Wild.