Day 28
Went to the ER this morning to have my foot looked at. It's definitely broken. They put me in a splint and said not to drive until I see an orthopedist. I told them we were about to drive from Denver to Dayton and they said, "well don't do that". Sorry, Rainey.
There's a heat wave in this part of the country and because of our late start we drove mostly through the middle of it. Junie did well, and we kept her misted and took frequent stops to let her cool off. I wish our AC was working. It's an easy fix, but we just can't do it on the road.
Eastern Colorado might as well be Kansas. It's hot, it's windy, and there's very little to see or do.
We're staying the night in a campground in Hays, KS. It reminds me of an independently run KOA, but I can't get out and do much because of my foot. At least we have AC.
Bonus picture of Hasan today.