Day 17
Making our way into Idaho. We did about five hours of driving today along winding roads with no barrier between a swift moving river. I was taking it slow which seemed to irritate the locals.
One guy cut me off, driving into oncoming traffic to do it, just so he could flip me off, then pulled into his driveway ~50 yards later. Then he flipped me off again. He looked like an angry person. It's scary meeting someone like that in an unfamiliar place with poor cell phone reception. If they got so angry at just my slow driving, imagine how they would have reacted if I had egged them on!
We found a great free campsite just as the winding canyon turned into a more desert landscape. It's bizarre seeing mountains turn into desert, trees and grass butting up against a martian landscape, but it's a beautiful sight.
Our site has a few other travelers, which is always nice. People out here mostly keep to themselves, but it's comforting to have others around. The mosquitos are pretty bad out here.