Day 16
For our last day with Natalie and Nate we drove to the Ross Creek Cedars located in a state park near the Canadian border. We saw a bear! It ran right a cross the winding road leading into the park. We had all our dogs with us and no bear spray, but the park had lots of people and I would imagine the wildlife stays away during the day.
The cedars are indeed huge. It reminded Rainey of the Redwoods, just on a smaller scale.
Afterwards we went to a food truck in Thompson Falls and had some pretty good burritos. It was nice to see our friends and get a break from driving.
Junie got to meet a horse. I've never felt her pull so hard on the leash. She startled the horse, which startled her, and also caused several other horses to come over and investigate. I don't know anything about horses, so it was scary having a group of five crowd around you.
Natalie got us into a gated area to get away from the horses, and they started chomping at the latch on the gate. I don't know if they wanted to meet Junie or what, but we weren't about to find out. Nate had to come get us in his truck.
Montana is cool but I guess the property values are as outrageous as most of the country right now. Guess it's just a place to visit.